Membership in Historic Brighton

Historic Brighton, a private, not-for-profit organization was founded in 1999 with the support of the Landmark Society of Western New York. Its mission is to bring the town’s history and related information to our community through lectures, research and publications. In 2009, Historic Brighton earned its Permanent Absolute Charter from the State of New York.

As a member, you will receive our acclaimed and informative Historic Brighton News with interesting articles about Brighton’s past and present, along with information about upcoming events. Published four times a year, recent issues have focused on significant local architects and their work, interesting past residents such as Walter Hagen and Dr. Howard Hanson, the 19th century diaries of a local farmer, and many of Brighton’s wonderful neighborhoods.

Programs have focused on local architecture and architects, historic preservation, local treasures such as Corbett’s Glen and the Lost City of Tryon, the history of East Avenue, local historic gardens and many more interesting topics. In 2014, we celebrated Brighton’s Bicentennial with several successful events in association with the Town of Brighton.

We look forward to having you help us share Brighton’s rich history!

Our online membership ordering here is secure and easy to use. PayPal will automatically send us your email address for our mailing list, and will also ask for your physical address so that we can send you our quarterly newsletters. But if you prefer to have a paper form to mail in with your check, it is available here as well.

Membership levels

  • Individual/Family: $25.00
  • Club/Organization: $35.00
  • Patron: $50.00
  • Business: $75.00
  • Corporate/Newsletter Sponsor: $250.00

Join Now!

Historic Brighton thanks these individuals and organizations for their support during the fiscal year 2023-2024:

BUSINESS memberships

  • Brighton Central Schools
  • Brighton Volunteer Ambulance
  • Canandaigua National Bank & Trust
  • Jamie Columbus, Judy’s Broker Network
  • University of Rochester Libraries

CORPORATE memberships

  • The Friendly Home
  • Lumiere Photo

LIFE TIME memberships

  • Don Alhart
  • Michael Lasser

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Website by Nimble Eye

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Historic Brighton!

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Join now either online with our secure form, or by downloading our mail-in form here.

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Historic Brighton!

Remember or honor a friend or loved-one with a tax-deductible donation. Our secure PayPal form makes this easy to do.
