Historic Resources ➤ Farms ➤ Edmunds Farm Census 1880
James Edmunds
1880 Farm Census…Farm #7
- #2 / Tenure / Owner: *
- #3 / Tenure / Rents for fixed money rental: *
- #4 / Tenure / Rents for shares of products: YES
- #5 / Acres of Land / Tilled including fallow and grass in rotation: 80 Acres
- #6 / Acres of Land / Permanent meadows, pastures, orchards; 10 Acres
- #7 / Acres of Land / unimproved, Woodland & Forest: 23 Acres
- #8 / Acres of Land / other unimproved, (old fields not growing wood): * Acres
- #9 / Farm Values / including land, fences & buildings: $17,000

- #10 / Farm Values / farming implements & machinery: $500
- #11 / Farm Values / of Live Stock: $350
- #12 / Fences / Cost of building & repairing in 1879: $*
- #13 / Cost of Fertilizers in 1879: $17
- #14 / Labor / Amount paid for wages for farm labor: $216
- #15 / Labor / Weeks hired labor in 1879 upon farm: No. 35
- #16 / Estimated value of all farm productions: $2,035
- #17 / Grass Lands / Acreage / Mown: Acres 36
- #18 / Grass Lands / Acreage / Not Mown: Acres 17
- #19 / Grass Lands / Products Harvested / Hay: Tons 45
- #20 / Grass Lands / Products Harvested / Clover Seed: bushels *
- #21 / Grass Lands / Products Harvested / Grass Seed: bushels *
- #22 / Live Stock / Horses of all ages: No. 2
- #23 / Live Stock / Asses & Mules of all ages: No. *
- #24 / Live Stock / Working Oxen: No. *
- #25 / Live Stock / Milch Cows: No. 4
- #26 / Live Stock / Other Cattle: No. 1
- #27 / Live Stock Movement / Calves Dropped: No. 2
- #28 / Live Stock Movement / Cattle / Purchased: No. *
- #29 / Live Stock Movement / Cattle / Sold Hving: No. *
- #30 / Live Stock Movement / Cattle / Slaughtered: No. *
- #31 / Live Stock Movement / Cattle / Died, Strayed or Stolen: No. *
- #32 / Neat Cattle Products / Milk Sold or sent to Butter & Cheese Factories: Gal. *
- #33 / Neat Cattle Products / Butter made on the Farm: Lbs. 400
- #34 / Neat Cattle Products / Cheese made on the Farm: Lbs. *
- #35 / Sheep / On Hand June 1, 1879: No. *
- #36 / Sheep / Lambs Dropped: No. *
- #37 / Sheep / Purchased: No. *
- #38 / Sheep / Sold Living: No. *
- #39 / Sheep / Slaughtered: No. *
- #40 / Sheep / Killed by Dogs: No. *
- #41 / Sheep / Died of Disease: No. *
- #42 / Sheep / Died of Stress of Weather: No. *
- #43 / Sheep / Clip, Spring Shorn & To Be Shorn / Fleeces: No. *
- #44 / Sheep / Clip, Spring Shorn & To Be Shorn / Weight: Lbs. *
- #45 / Swine / On Hand, June 1, 1880: No.*
- #46 / Poultry On Hand, June 1, 1880, Barn-yard: No. 45
- #47 / Poultry On Hand, June 1, 1880, Other: No. *
- #48 / Eggs Produced in 1879: 100 Dozen
- #49 / Cereals / Barley / Area / Acres: Acres *
- #50 / Cereals / Barley / Crop / Bushels: bushels *
- #51 / Cereals / Buckwheat / Area / Acres: Acres *
- #52 / Cereals / Buckwheat / Crop / Bushels: bushels *
- #53 / Cereals / Indian Corn / Area / Acres: Acres 14
- #54 / Cereals / Indian Corn / Crop / Bushels: bushels 400
- #55 / Cereals / Oats / Area / Acres: Acres 5
- #56 / Cereals / Oats / Crop / Bushels: bushels 240
- #57 / Cereals / Rye / Area / Acres: Acres *
- #58 / Cereals / Rye / Crop / Bushels: bushels *
- #59 / Cereals / Wheat / Area / Acres: Acres 9
- #60 / Cereals / Wheat / Crop / Bushels: bushels 120
- #61 / Pulse / Canada Peas / Crop / Bushels: bushels *
- #62 / Pulse / Beans / Crop / Bushels: bushels 60
- #78 / Potatoes (Irish) / Area / Acres: Acres 1/2
- #79 / Potatoes (Irish) / Crop / Bushels: bushels 150
- #84 / Orchards / Apple / Acres: No. 10
- #85 / Orchards / Apple / Bearing Trees: No. 400
- #86 / Orchards / Apple / Bushels: bushels 1500
- #87 / Orchards / Peach / Acres: No. *
- #88 / Orchards / Peach / Bearing Trees: No. *
- #89 / Orchards / Peach / Bushels: bushels *
- #90 / Total value of Orchard Products, all kinds, sold & consumed: $ 500
- #91 / Nurseries / Acres: No. *
- #92 / Nurseries / value of Products Sold: $
- #93 / Vineyards / Acres: No. 1/2
- #94 / Vineyards / Grapes Sold: Lbs. 1,200
- #96 / Market Gardens / value of Products Sold: $
- #97 / Bees / Honey: Lbs.
- #98 / Bees / Wax: Lbs.
- #99 / Forest Products / Amount of Wood Cut: Cords. 20
- #100 / Forest Products / Value of Forest Products, sold & consumed: $60