October 30, 2008 – “Shuffling off this Moral Coil: A Look at the Forklore of Mourning”

Presented by Mary Jo Lanphear, Brighton Town Historian. House tour at 6:30 p.m. Lecture at 7:30 p.m. Post note: Power failure prevented us from using the Oliver Culver House, so the talk was held in the Brighton Town Hall Auditorium on Elmwood Avenue.

Volume 9 Number 4 Fall 2008

June 28, 2008 – “Gideon Cobb Days – Historical focus: The Lost City of Tryon”

Ellison Park, the ‘lost city of Tryon’ and the opening of Fort Schuyler were the subjects discussed by Mary Jo Lanphear, Brighton Town Historian, during the horse and wagon tours with Heberle Stables. Also highlighting the day were tours of the original Tryon/Culver houses, Tryon Park birding with Bob Marcotte, and traditional musical instruments with Allen Hopkins.

Volume 9 Number 3 Summer 2008

May 6, 2008 – “Discover Brighton: 200 years of Historic Architecture”

Presented by Cynthia Howk, Architectural Research Coordinator, Landmark Society of Western New York. This wonderful program, a repeat from 2002, helped us re-discover the wide variety of historic buildings, structures, objects, sites and neighborhoods that define the history and architecture of Brighton, showing over 200 years of the “built environment” in one of Monroe County’s most historic communities. This slide talk provided an ‘armchair tour’ of our own town, and highlighted its architectural treasures. This meeting was held in the Brighton Town Hall Auditorium.

Volume 9 Number 2 Spring 2008Volume 9 Number 2 Spring 2008

January 27, 2008 – “They Call Me Billy Pilgrim…”

Presented by Grant Holcomb, Director of the Memorial Art Gallery. Mr. Holcomb, examined the life of Brighton native, Edward R. Crone, Jr., who was the inspiration for the character of Billy Pilgrim in Kurt Vonnegut’s famous novel, Slaughterhouse-Five. The meeting was held at the Brighton Town Hall.

Volume 9 Number 1 Winter 2008

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